Is playing it Safe always the way to Go? Is it worth the risk?

Is playing it Safe always the way to Go? Is it worth the risk?

Is playing it Safe always the way to Go?  Is it worth the risk?

Welcome to What’s Toni Thinking.  Today it’s a short a sweet message.  I was sitting here contemplating a move and I found myself thinking that maybe I need to take baby steps.  Maybe I need to test the waters and play it safe.  Well,  I’m not feeling it.

I have had an epiphany and I’ve decided that I would share it with you.  What I’m thinking today is that it’s time to stop playing it safe!  Why are we allowing self doubt and fear to hold us back from greatness?  Doing it by the book every time is not how I’m going to do it anymore.  Well,  at least not in certain parts of my life.

I’ve been taught to dot my I’s and cross my T’s before venturing into anything and that’s fine.  But,  should we apply this to everything?

I think not!

So,  today I want us all to Stop it.


Take risk

I’m going to take a risk and I’m going to own it.  What I mean by owning it is that I’m going to go into it with no worries.  I’m going to work at it knowing that it is going to work because I am going to give it my all.  No more second guessing and what if’s.  I’m going to trust my decisions and be confident with every move.

Are you with me?

Look,  this attitude change is nothing more than a new mindset.  I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again “change your mindset and change your life.”

Playing it safe has not worked for me. Yes,  of course I’ve had a little success,  but I’m ready for Greatness!

So, I’m going to stop playing it safe and I’m going to Jump!   I mean,  what do we really have to lose?  Look at it this way,  any missteps are just lessons learned on the path to greatness.  Those bumps provide valuable information for us to use while we master our endeavors.

If what you’ve been doing all along has not worked for you in the past,  then it’s definitely time to try something new.

What do you think? 

Are you going to Stop playing it Safe and take a Risk for greatness?  I am and I’m going sit,  laugh,  and sip tea with it like and old friend.  So,  let’s cheer to Success.



Well,  I’ll see you on the other side of my new attitude.  I hope to see a new you there too.   And in the mean time,  I want you to Be Blessed and do everything in your power to Make Life Sweet!






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