Juicing: Carrots Medley juicing Recipe

Carrots: Carrots Medley Juicing Recipe

Juicing: Carrots Medley Juicing Recipe

As a kid I did not like vegetables.  I can remember my Mom trying to introduce different vegetables to us kids regularly.  Most of the time I was not impressed with any of them, most of all Carrots.  Today I have to be mindful in incorporating vegetables into my daily meals.

Vegetables and fruit are packed with vitamins and minerals needed for a healthy body.  This Carrots Medley recipe is packed with lots of fruits and vegetables and carrots take center stage in this juicing recipe.

Carrots are sweet and delicious and blend well in any Juicing recipe. They can be mixed with any combination of vegetables to cut the bitter taste that some vegetables have.

Carrots are also good for you.  They provide dietary fiber and anti-oxidants needed for digestion and fending off cancer.  They are also rich in vitamin A which is great for eye health and skin, and Vitamin C which helps to defend against illnesses like the common cold.

These are just a few to the health benefits of Carrots, but lets not forget that they also taste great!

This juicing recipe has other fruits and vegetables in it that are just as healthy for you and all the ingredients taste great together.  I used my Breville Juicer, which I love because it is powerful enough to extract large amounts of juice from anything I toss inside it.

I hope you enjoy this Juicing Recipe as much as I did.

For another sweet and delicious Juicing Recipe try this: Green Giant Juicing Recipe

Juicing: Carrots Medley juicing Recipe
Carrots Medley Juicing Recipe
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Servings Prep Time
16 Ounces 5 minutes
Servings: Ounces
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photo credit: Veggie Tables via photopin (license)

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