Green Juice: Green Giant Juicing Recipe

Delicious Green Juice Recipe

Green Juice: Green Giant Juicing Recipe

Green Juice: Green Giant Juicing Recipe

Delicious Green Juice recipe you will Love!

For the past month I have juiced every morning!  Juicing for health is a wonderful way of gaining the wonderful benefits of fresh fruit and vegetables.  Fruits and vegetables are packed with the many vitamins and minerals that we need .

With the busy schedules we have these days it can be hard to get down the recommended 2 pieces of fruit and 3-4 vegetables a day.  By juicing I am able to get that down in 1-2  glasses of juice.

I have experimented with different fruit and vegetable combinations and I have to admit it’s hit or miss.  Sometimes the combination is not the tastiest, but when the combination is right the result is a flavorful treat.

This is a juice combination that is sure to be a hit with everyone.  I call it The Green Giant!  It was so tasty I made the same combination the following morning.  So, because I thought it was absolutely delicious I have decided to share the recipe with all you!

I hope you enjoy it!

The Green Giant Juicing Recipe
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Servings Prep Time
10 0z 10 minutes
Servings: 0z
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